Our Manifesto
Why Palliative Marketing?
By juxtaposing the words "Palliative" and "Marketing" we indicate the rethinking of marketing declined in a new system of thought and practice. We bring together in a single expression two seemingly irreconcilable dimensions. The first is a clear reference to the field of palliative care, which, however, does not define a perimeter of action but suggests a way to think about the experience of care that emerges from the relationship with finiteness and dying. The second dimension calls into question marketing not only as a professional activity or theoretical discipline but also as a real language through which our society speaks today. The encounter (dialogue) of these two words allows us to look at the market society in which we live with different eyes and grasp in it the possibilities of care that appear, each time in a peculiar way, in the different relationships involving businesses and customers.
Our Mission
The aim of our movement is to rethink Marketing, incorporating in it a necessary reflection on temporality that allows us to deeply grasp the meaning of human existence.
Since its origins Marketing has embedded itself in the human economic, social and cultural fabric, gradually hiding the finite and temporal nature of human beings, offering pre-constituted and inauthentic senses or creating escape routes from existential anxiety. In this way, Marketing has done nothing but cover man's intrinsic fragility and ontological pain over the years, ending up becoming a source of nihilism for our society.
Our Vision
Our movement aims to develop a transdisciplinary dialogue capable of rethinking and redesigning Marketing, while also reconsidering the temporal and finite nature of man and the society in which he is situated.
We want to answer a question: